I'll Be Gone In The Dark - Michelle McNamara

I'll Be Gone In The Dark - Michelle McNamara

I very much enjoyed reading I’ll Be Gone In The Dark - my first #nonfictionnovember read. It feels wrong to use the word enjoyed when referring to a book about the brutal rape - and in some cases murder - of dozens of women across California. It was McNamara’s narrative style of writing non-fiction, rather than the details of the crimes, that really kept me gripped throughout. While still quite disturbing, the book lacked gory detail, and felt quite respectful and informative, rather than exploitative.⁣

My main gripe with the book was it’s ending - unavoidable, given McNamara’s unexpected death - which felt tagged on, and didn’t continue the style in which the earlier part of the book had been written. I also wanted to know more about the killer, and here about the process of his capture and interviews. I’ll absolutely be watching the HBO series when it airs in the hope that the show covers these topics. ⁣


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Battlestar Suburbia - Chris McCrudden

Battlestar Suburbia - Chris McCrudden

Fleishman is in Trouble - Taffy Brodesser-Akner

Fleishman is in Trouble - Taffy Brodesser-Akner